2022.1.18:New article from CIMdata’s President & CEO, Peter Bilello, Featured on Engineering.com

A new article from CIMdata’s Peter Bilello is featured on Engineering.com. The article “Digital Transformation: New Techniques and Technologies Disrupt Accumulated Expertise,” considers the “human factor” of successful digital transformation and why it is imperative to transform workforce skills.

The article addresses:

  • The prioritization of the new digital skills required.
  • The development of sound educational approaches.
  • Understanding the consequences.

The article also considers a trio of uncomfortable workforce realities:

Increasingly we base our business decisions and actions on analyzing data, meaning there is less reliance on the experience and insights held in the heads of key people. This is due to innovations in analytics as well as access to the vast amount of available information in the Cloud (a.k.a. Big Data) which resides outside the enterprise’s own repositories.

The obsolescence of expertise and skills acquired over entire generations of the workforce. In every software marketplace, solution providers vie to automate processes and tasks. Clever new tools, features and functions are sidelining even the most specialized processes and isolated tasks.

Inadequate skills and the scarcity of workers with the basic technical qualifications needed for the collaboration and the product and process innovation today’s new products require.

To read the full article and catch up with previous articles on digital transformation visit: https://www.engineering.com/story/digital-transformation-new-techniques-and-technologies-disrupt-accumulated-expertise?postID=242826&utm_source=email_post-notification_following-stories

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