2022.3.23:CIMdata Releases eBook on Rationalizing Your CAD Portfolio

How to Maximize Flexibility while Reducing Cost

CIMdata, Inc., the leading global PLM strategic management consulting and research firm, announces the release of an eBook focused on Siemens Mechanical Bundle for Solid Edge and NX licensing.

Based on annual CIMdata research, the mechanical CAD market is bifurcated into design-focused and multi-discipline mechanical CAD. The design-focused segment supports the majority of product design needs. The multi-discipline segment incorporates advanced capabilities such as advanced surface modeling to support complex, aesthetic shapes needed in styled products in addition to virtual commissioning and factory automation. Annual sales show the relative equality of the two markets, which indicates that companies worldwide have a balance in their approach to CAD modeling.

Dr. Ken Versprille, CIMdata Executive Consultant, noted, “The mechanical CAD industry has seen the development of design-focused solutions and multi-discipline solutions for over two decades. Until recently, a company had to choose between the two or add to the overall cost of ownership by purchasing both. The introduction of Siemens Mechanical Bundle breaks through this dilemma by allowing a company to balance their product selection of Solid Edge and NX with the added benefit that geometric models between the two are interoperable without any conversion.

The CIMdata eBook on Rationalizing Your CAD Portfolio is available at: www.CIMdata.com

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